Essential Life skills for Students, Adults & Community Groups
The Future Toolbox is a game changing programme of essential Tools and Resources created to give our young people a brighter future. Start your journey today by contacting Mark and Jules for a no- obligation chat about how the Future Toolbox can help you. Contact Mark & JulesEssential Life Skills for Students,
Adults & Community Groups
The Future Toolbox is a game changing programme of essential Tools and Resources created to give our young people a brighter future. Start your journey today by contacting Mark and Jules for a no-
obligation chat about how the Future Toolbox can help you.
If you’re a teen, read this bit
OK, we get it. It might’ve been a while since we were teens, but we know that it can be a tough time, so we’re here to help. We don’t want to be boring ‘preachy’ adults who tell you what to do, we’re on your side. The Future Toolbox is here to provide you with essential life skills so that you can achieve the things you want.
First up, we need to get this boring, but a very honest bit out of the way. Sadly, nothing is easy, and success requires hard work. We’ve had to work hard to achieve all the things that we love in our life now but, who says you can’t enjoy the journey?
Now, it’s time to be blunt. Roughly only 3% of the people we share this stuff with, actually take action. Yeah, that includes adults too! That’s a statistic that needs to change. It’s not to benefit us, it’s to benefit you. Become part of the 3% of people who take a look at the tools, put trust in them and in yourself and get off your backside to start your journey to success.
So, what do you want some help with? Click on the Toolboxes below and you will find some stuff to make your life pretty good.
Parents, you should read this bit
We bet you read the section for teens and young adults first, didn’t you?
Anyway, here’s some more information you might find useful. Whether you’re the parent of a teenager or you have kids of a younger age, our aim is to help you create a family community. Even if your children have and grown up and become young adults, or they have left home, being a parent doesn’t stop. These tools are here to help you.
Have a look through the menu below to see what we offer.
*Also, we’d recommend looking at the Adult Mindset Toolbox too. This isn’t just about your kids, it’s about you too.
Pick a Toolbox then give us a call
Take a look below to find out
- See us on Tiktok
- Visit our YouTube Channel
- Listen to our Podcast
- Buy our Smarten Your Study book
Student Resources
Leave your details below to receive our free, simple resources from our Student ToolboxThank you!
We look forward to helping you on your journeyTake a look at the topics below to see how we can help:
- See us on Tiktok
- Visit our YouTube Channel
- Listen to our Podcast
Futures Resources
Leave your details below to receive our free, simple resources from our Focus On Your Future ToolboxThank you!
We look forward to helping you on your journeyHave fun and click below to get going
- See us on Tiktok
- Visit our YouTube Channel
- Listen to our Podcast
- Buy our The Z to A of Life Skills book – “Don’t get your neck tattoed“
Did you love revision, homework and taking exams? Some people do but, we’re going to be honest. It wasn’t for us. We found it boring, hard work and sometimes pointless. Confession time, neither of us got amazing grades or went to university.
A lot of pressure is put onto teens to be high academic achievers, giving the impression that a degree is the ‘holy grail’ of achievements. We agree that higher education is very desirable. It can open lots of doors, as long as you’ve chosen the right course for you.
On the other hand, it’s not right for everyone and that’s okay. Higher education is not the only road that can lead you towards success.
In Smarten Your Study, we help teens to seize the opportunity of learning by making it an enjoyable experience. It’s important to focus on the learning journey rather than the final result. If they can stand in front of a mirror and say that they’ve given it their best shot, that’s what matters. Building confidence will give them a boost for their future success. The result is then just a bonus.
In Smarten Your Study for Parents, we offer tools that will make home study and revision a simple process. We’ll also show you how to support your child with their journey. Help them to boost their confidence and become more resilient so they can handle the future.
Working for many Schools, Colleges and Universities for many years, we’re pleased to have made a difference to so many people.