J is for Join In

The festive season is about spending time with family, friends, your community.

It is a perfect opportunity to join in with activities, support others and strengthens your relationships. It’s about catching up with those that you have known for many years, but also meeting new people and trying new activities.

Have you ever wanted to try a new hobby – whether it’s something adventurous like skydiving or something a little more relaxing like singing? It’s good to keep growing and learning new skills. It helps you to meet new people and it opens new opportunities. You’re guaranteed to meet new people and you might even find a new interest that you love.

What Christmas Activities can I join in with?

During the festive season, there’s so many wonderful events to get involved with. There’s no better time to take up a new activity.

Here are a few things you could do:

1. Explore Christmas Markets
Lots of UK cities, such as London, Birmingham and Manchester host some great Christmas markets complete with mulled wine, unique stalls, festive treats and crafts. Lots of towns even set up temporary ice rinks at this time of year, which is a fun activity with a great festive atmosphere.

2. Enjoy Christmas Light Displays
Find out which areas have gone all out for Christmas, by visiting Christmas light displays. Places like Oxford Street in London are known for their stunning decorations. If you don’t want to venture far, just take a drive around and try and spot the streets or houses in your town that have their outdoor decorations up. 

3. Book a Christmas Workshops
Christmas workshops are getting more popular each year. There will be lots of events taking place over Christmas, from wreath-making classes to craft workshops. If you have little ones, take them to meet Santa Claus himself! Lots of shopping centres, play centres or attractions will have Santa Grottos.

4. Watch a traditional British pantomime
What better way to get in the Christmas spirit and catch up with family and friends than watching a pantomime. There will be lots of shows running, so no matter your age groups or likes there will be something for everyone. Some cinemas even host special screenings of classical Christmas films – watch a family favourite on the big screen.

5. Sing Christmas Carols
If you’re feeling a little more adventurous and want to take up a hobby you can carry in 2024, you could join a local choir. Look up the choirs in your area and get contact them to get involved – a lot of choirs will be looking for new members to join in the new year! This is a great way to meet new people and singing can have such a positive impact on your mental health. If you don’t fancy singing, you could attend a church carol service instead, which is a heart-warming way to embrace the Christmas season.

6. Indulge in Christmas Food
If food is the way to your heart, indulge in some festive themed meals throughout December. Menus will be full of traditional Christmas dinners or themed afternoon teas this time of year. There will also be lots of Christmas themed food to choose from if you visit a Christmas market.

So, how do I find Christmas activities?

Finding activities in your local area is exciting and you may even discover a new Christmas tradition!

  • Start with an online search to see what is available in your local area. Community, council and event sites websites will list events too. Social Media pages will also be full of upcoming Christmas events, workshops and markets.
  • You could check out local newspapers or magazines. They often have dedicated sections listing events. Community noticeboards at libraries, community centres or shops may also have display boards advertising events.
  • Another great way it to ask your neighbours or friends what events they are attending – or if they know of any. They might know of lesser-known events that aren’t widely advertised. If you’re in a touristy area, information centres can be goldmines for discovering local Christmas festivities.

How can I support others at Christmas?

Supporting others during Christmas is a wonderful way to spread kindness. This time of year can be difficult for many people, so if you want to support others, volunteering may be the way you ‘join in’ this Christmas. 

  • Consider helping at local shelters, food banks or even charity events. Serving meals or helping organise events means you could bring comfort to someone without a home or family to celebrate with.
  • You could spread cheer and visit nursing homes or hospitals. Sing carols, bring small gifts or simply share stories to bring some joy to their day. Maybe you are also able to donate clothes, blankets or toys to charities. A small gesture can sometimes make a big difference to someone else’s life.
  • Another way to support others is to reach out to those feeling lonely. A simple phone call, visit or invitation to join you can remind them they’re not alone. Christmas can be tough and lonely for some, so reach out and be a listening ear for those who might need it.

Supporting others during Christmas doesn’t always mean grand gestures. Small acts of kindness and genuine care can create a significant impact and spread love during this festive season.

So, this Christmas, look at ways you can join in and support your community!

To find out more on this topic…

Listen to our ‘J for Join In’ podcast episode

Z to A of Life Skills Podcast with Mark and Jules Kennedy.

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