P is for Practice

Ever heard the phrase, Practice makes progress? Yes, we said progress and not perfect! Let’s face it, when we learn new things, we don’t have to aim for complete perfection but taking a step in the right direction is the key to success.

Whether you’re a teen at school, studying for exams or perhaps an adult learning a new skill, repetition is a great learning tool and the more times you repeat, the better you will become.

In its simplest form, to practice is the act of doing something repeatedly to improve. When we practice a skill or task, we are not only building muscle memory and physical dexterity, but we are also strengthening neural connections in our brains. These neural connections allow us to learn, remember, and apply new information and skills. 

So, what are the benefits of practising when learning?

One of the key benefits of the practice is that it allows us to make mistakes and learn from them. When we first try something, we may not get it right. But with each attempt, we can identify areas where we need to improve and adjust our approach accordingly. Over time, this trial and error process helps us develop a deeper understanding of the skill or task we are practising.

Practising helps us to develop a sense of mastery and confidence. As we become more proficient at a skill or task, we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in our abilities. This positive reinforcement can motivate us to continue practising and improving, leading to even greater levels of mastery.

Practice is also a great learning tool because it can help us to overcome obstacles and challenges. When we encounter difficulties or setbacks in our practice, we are forced to think creatively and find new ways to approach the problem. This problem-solving process can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding when we finally find a solution that works.

In addition, practice can also be a great way to connect with others and build a community. When we practice a skill or task with others, we can learn from their experiences and share our own. This collaborative learning can be incredibly powerful, allowing us to see things from different perspectives and gain new insights that we might not have otherwise considered.

What if I struggle to practice? 

Of course, learning something new is not always easy or enjoyable. It can be frustrating to repeat the same task over and over again, especially when progress is slow or non-existent. But it can still be a valuable learning tool even when it is difficult. The act of persevering through challenges and setbacks can help us to develop resilience and grit, two qualities that are essential for success in any area of life.

A useful way to help keep you on track is to set time aside each day/week/month to practise what you want to learn and create a schedule. Then, make sure you add it to your diary and set reminders, which will help you form it as a habit. 

Mindset Matters

Ultimately, the key to making practise a great learning tool is approaching it with intention and purpose. Rather than simply going through the motions, we should strive to be present and engaged in our practice. This means setting clear goals, focusing on the task at hand, and being willing to reflect on our progress and adjust our approach as needed. 

So, whether you are learning a new instrument, practising a sport, or developing a new skill at work, remember that practice is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. By embracing the process of learning through trial and error, persevering through challenges, and collaborating with others, you can become a master of your craft and achieve your goals. 

The secret is to practice little and often. So, it’s time to get planning and create a practice habit to schedule into your daily routine.

As our saying goes, practice makes progress – so get out there and start practising!

To find out more on this topic…

Listen to our ‘P is for Practice’ podcast episode!

The Z to A of Life Podcast

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