Is sleep the secret to better grades?

Teenage boy in a bunk bed sleeping.

Exam season is in full swing, exams left and right, so much revision to cram into every night! If this is you, on your fifth caffeinated drink* rereading the algebra coursebook, you may be experiencing burnout and tiredness. “But that’s just part of exams” some of you may be thinking, “you’ve got to push your […]

Dealing with pressure during exam season

There is a boiled egg on a platform has been hit by a spoon (positioned above the egg). There is a dent and cracks in the right hand side of the shell. The image represents the phrase 'don't crack under pressure'

We know exam season can be really overwhelming, especially when it feels like everyone has sky-high expectations for you – whether that’s getting grade 7-9 and nothing less, acing every subject, or nailing that perfect university application. The pressure is on, but guess what? It’s totally okay to take a deep breath and give yourself […]

6 techniques to improve your memory

Young girl sitting at a desk revising on her laptop. She has her hair tied back and is wearing headphones. Her arms are crossed and she is leaning her chin on her arms. She has a confused expression.

We’re about to enter exam season and hundreds and thousands of students will be navigating their last few weeks of revision. It’s quite a stressful time for everyone involved, so let’s take a look at how to make those final preparations for the big day. Even if you haven’t begun to revise yet, fear not; […]