Dealing with pressure during exam season

There is a boiled egg on a platform has been hit by a spoon (positioned above the egg). There is a dent and cracks in the right hand side of the shell. The image represents the phrase 'don't crack under pressure'

We know exam season can be really overwhelming, especially when it feels like everyone has sky-high expectations for you – whether that’s getting grade 7-9 and nothing less, acing every subject, or nailing that perfect university application. The pressure is on, but guess what? It’s totally okay to take a deep breath and give yourself […]

Ways to take care of yourself during exam season

Group of students crowded around a laptop screen

For GCSE and A-Level students across the UK exam season is here. If you’re feeling the pressure, don’t worry you’re not alone. Whether you’re hitting the books day and night or juggling studying with a part-time job, we know that this time of year can be pretty overwhelming. In the following blog post, we’ll walk […]

6 techniques to improve your memory

Young girl sitting at a desk revising on her laptop. She has her hair tied back and is wearing headphones. Her arms are crossed and she is leaning her chin on her arms. She has a confused expression.

We’re about to enter exam season and hundreds and thousands of students will be navigating their last few weeks of revision. It’s quite a stressful time for everyone involved, so let’s take a look at how to make those final preparations for the big day. Even if you haven’t begun to revise yet, fear not; […]

Methods of Problem-Solving

Image of two puzzle pieces connecting together.

Throughout our lives, we are bombarded by problems that we solve through various tried-and-true methods, subconsciously or not. In other words, we are all capable of building our problem-solving skills and becoming resilient to new obstacles. As exams come closing in, it’s not always about what you know but how you use that knowledge when […]

What is self-expression, and why does it matter?

close-up of a girl holding an acoustic guitar

Do you feel like you’re living to work, instead of working to live? When you lead a busy life, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in your job or schoolwork that it starts to define who you are. It’s like work turns into a form of self-expression because everything centres around it. Work IS […]

Comfort is overrated! Benefits of stepping outside your comfort-zone

silhouette of a woman raising her arms in joy looking at the sunset

Though you may not recognise it, you could be sitting in a small box of your own making. It’s comfortable, calm and peaceful… much less scary than the unknown depths beyond the box. But it can be cramped and limiting, with barely any room for expansion or growth. This is the comfort zone. It’s good […]

Creative learning techniques to reduce academic stress

Woman sitting with her hands over her face struggling with feeling overwhelmed or stressed

We’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives, but it’s not particularly easy to describe. If stress becomes too much to manage, it can have a big impact on our mental health or make existing mental health problems feel harder to cope with. Stress might feel different to you than it does to […]

Self-Discipline for Students: The Strategy to Exam Success

Ever wondered what sets apart those who achieve their dreams from those who merely dream them? The answer is self-discipline! Believe it or not, success isn’t the result of sheer luck or talent, it’s about your mindset and the habits you incorporate within your daily routine.  What is Self-Discipline?   Self-discipline is your ability to align […]

Let’s talk about Neurodiversity – Our journey at Future Toolbox

Illustration of a model brain with an overlay doodle that transforms the brain into the body of a lightbulb.

March is an excellent month for two reasons. Firstly, it’s Brain Injury Awareness Month – a dedicated time to spread knowledge and advocate for the people affected by brain injury. Secondly, we are currently in the midst of Neurodiversity Celebration Week. This is another equally significant period that allows us to acknowledge and appreciate the […]

The power of studying early – Stay one step ahead 

Three students studying in the library. Behind them is a wall covered by a bookcase. To the left is a man with brown shoulder length hair and glasses. In the center is a woman with an afro wearing a white shirt. To the right is a man with short curly hair wearing a dark t-shirt.

Let’s face it, studying for exams isn’t exactly the highlight of our lives. Many of us tend to procrastinate, finding every excuse to avoid the dull and challenging task of hitting the books. However, what if we told you there’s a way to make the process not only bearable but even enjoyable? The secret lies […]