Setting and achieving goals in Supportive Community

We’ve worked with education establishments, youth centres, sports clubs, brain injury groups, charities and businesses. Having secured grants from the National Lottery and become fellows of the School of Social Entrepreneurs, it’s allowed us to reach out to more people who maybe don’t have the funding. Contact Mark & Jules

Mark, Jules and Milo

Setting and achieving goals in Supportive Community

We’ve worked with education establishments, youth centres, sports clubs, brain injury groups, charities and businesses. 

Having secured grants from the National Lottery and become fellows of the School of Social Entrepreneurs, it’s allowed us to reach out to more people who maybe don’t have the funding. 

Contact Mark & Jules

Mark, Jules and Milo

Helping people working together to engage in personal development

For many years, we’ve worked in mainstream and post 16 education and have met over 150,000 teens, young adults and teaching staff. 

Our passion is to help create communities of people working together to engage in personal development to enhance their lives. 

In 2021, the Future Toolbox CIC was formed. A social enterprise designed to help community groups both locally and across the world. 

We’ve worked with education establishments, youth centres, sports clubs, brain injury groups, charities and businesses. It may sound like a wide spectrum but personal development possibilities are endless. 

Having secured grants from the National Lottery and become fellows of the School of Social Entrepreneurs, it’s allowed us to reach out to more people who maybe don’t have the funding. 

If you’re an individual or community group who could benefit, get in touch. 

Have a look below for some ideas of our work. 

Pick a Toolbox then give us a call

Welcome to “Brain or Shine”, giving an insight to living with brain injury.

Where did this title come from? Well, to me a brain injury can be like the wonderful English weather, one minute the sun is shining, the next, it’s raining. It’s so unpredictable and has the ability to change very quickly.

Don’t get us wrong, it’s not all doom and gloom. In fact, so many Brits love to complain about how bad the weather is but they don’t focus on a blue sky on a cold, crisp morning, they complain about the low temperature instead. If you can focus on the beauty and positive bit, life becomes more joyous. So back to my blog, well it’s here to help not only those living with brain injury but the family and friends who have also been affected by their loved one suffering these side-effects.

In fact, the book What The Hell Just Happened? is a raw story of our journey through…well, let’s just say a few challenges that life decided to throw at us.

Our aim is to help others with simple tools to cope with the side effects of brain injury. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest differences.

About us

Take a look below to find out

Mention Rushden Swimming Club

Power of the Mind Networks

Bailey Bears

GCSEPod etc


(Details similar to current website showing our school’s programmes – the text in the concertina boxes needs a little more work and perhaps some free resources and links)